Monday, January 19, 2009

Listen NJ Listen everybody !

at last, in my lifetime, I have checked out several titles from Listen NJ and downloaded them to my pc (with Tech's help - Craig Wall is very patient !) in getting Overdrive working there. then the final obstacle - getting Kate Wilhelm's The Best Defense onto the mp3 player from Info Services. yeesh. what a journey . turns out the first player I tried to use (my own- won in a contest) doesn't do what this player does. anyway, I did it ! (with a little help from my friends. thank you Betsy, Craig, Rita, Carol........)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

ok- this is getting silly. now, thanks to Tech, I have Overdrive software on my own office pc, so I can work with Listen NJ. I downloaded another book - one of L.J. Braun's was the first MP3 listing to show as available . However ! when I push various buttons (I did read the booklet!) nothing shows up but "record" . so. back to the drawing board. but I'm not giving up.