Monday, March 17, 2008

Doggieblogging !

hello all ! old know the drill.
after looking at Learning vs. Training, here are my thoughts.....

I like to think liberally, to be open to possibilities, to be optimistic about learning and assuming responsibility for it.

What comes harder to me is really carving out the time to learn new technologies properly. even the digital camera for example. I learn things I need to at work ( for example, some aspects of using the scanner on the pc+) but don't get around to others (for example, some aspects of using the scanner on pc+ !). We have lots of resource people. It's a matter of making it a priority and making the schedule work out.


March 19

I'm daffy about Brittanies, doggily speaking. I'll soon scan a few pics of our own doggie. Meanwhile, here's a great one I found on Flikr.....pic of Padget